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4x4 Mud Racing Events and Activities |
Central Mudracing Association Midwest; Wisconsin, Minnesota Lee County Mud Motorsports Complex - http://www.ncmudracing.com Sanford, NC. We are the highest paying and nicest track on the East Coast. Guaranteed $10,000.00 payback every event. 1st Saturday of each month. Gates open at 8a.m. racing starts at 12p.m. Mud Missile - http://www.mudmissile.com Official site of the Mud Missile Racing Team. Includes history, photos, results, schedule, engine specifications, crew, videos from the Mud Missile mudcam, and related links. Mud Truck TV - http://www.mudtrucktv.net Stompers 4X4 Club - http://www.stompers4X4.com From Kansas and Missouri. Many pictures, videos, parts shop, race schedules and links to other mud racers. Bandit Mud Racing - http://www.banditmudracing.com Offers race schedule, pictures, race up dates, upcoming concerts at the Barn, upcoming events, directions, and sponsor links. Based in Samsula, Florida. Hometown Mud Racing Association - http://www.hmra.org Information on Utah's racing organization. Mid-Missouri Off-Roaders - http://www.mmor.com Calendar of events, membership information, rules, pictures, classifieds, race results and links. MudDrags San Antonio - http://muddrags.com Features nine classes of mudracing, along with a photo gallery, events schedule, message board, venue information, links and contacts. Canadian Mud Racing Organization - CMRO - http://members.tripod.com/CMRO/ Running in Western Alberta to Eastern Saskatchewan providing race dates, rules, regulations, photos and information. Mad Mudders - http://www.madmudders.com A club of 4x4 mud racers from Northeast, Nebraska. It's all about good clean family fun in the mud. Schedule and results. North East Mud Racing Association - http://www.vermontel.net/~performu Class rules, results, schedule and photos. Top End Mud Racing Association - http://www.mudracing.asn.au Held in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Features events calendar, photo gallery, classes rules and weather forecasts. Little Doo's Mud Bog - http://www.littledoomudbog.com/ Easy Coast, North Carolina has a purse race at every race, points and other facts. Albright Shores, Michigan- Mud Bogs, http://www.albrightshores.com Sand Drags, Ice Racing Amateur and Professional Racing of all seasons Championship Mud Racers Association - http://www.cmramudracing.com/ Nationwide 4WD mud racing with Championship Mud Racers Association, Inc. Eastern Ontario Mud Drag Racing - EOMDR - http://www.easternontariomuddragracing.com/ Mud racing in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Offers photo gallery, events schedule, rules and member profiles. Horse Hole Mud Bog - http://www.mudup.com/ Horse Hole Creek in Inglis, Florida offers Mud Bogging and off road events. Jumping Run Creek Mud Bog - http://www.promud.com/ Organizes mud racing events in Onslow County, North Carolina. Includes directions, schedule, classes, results and links. Kansas Central Mud Boggers Association - http://www.cmba.homestead.com/ Includes points, schedule, photos, rules and news updates. Lethal Injection Racing - http://www.fastmud.com/ Racing out of Wisconsin. Features rules and schedule for the Central Mudracing Association. Pictures, video and links to other mudracing and high performance sites. Maine Mud Runs - http://mainemudruns.com/ Maine Mud Runs provides the most complete information about all things related to mud running in the state of Maine from schedules and class rules to results and standings. Mean Streak Mud Racing - http://www.meanstreakracing.com/ Official website of Mean Streak, Class 3 NMRO Mud Racing. Mid States Mud Race Association - http://groups.msn.com/southdakotanebraskamudracecircuit/ Covers mud race circuit in South Dakota and Nebraska. Includes message board, photos, standings and rules. Naples Ultimate Mud Racing - http://members.cox.net/naplesultimatemudracing Oklahoma Mud Racing event. Includes photos, schedules, event winners, videos and links. New Mexico's Florida Mud Bog - http://www.floridamudbog.com/ Mud Racing and Tuff Trucks in New Mexico. Northwest Indiana Mud Racing Series - http://www.geocities.com/mud_drags/ Side by side mud drag racing in Morocco Indiana. Overlanders 4x4 Club - http://www.geocities.com/overlanders4x4/ Includes information on rules, race results, photos, classifieds and links. South Dakota Mud Racers - http://www.southdakotamudracers.com/ Provides mud racing results, photo gallery, schedule of events, and rules and regulations for the different classes of trucks involved. Southeast Mud Racing Association - http://www.semudracing.com/ Mud Racing Association in Orlando, FL. Membership, events, photos, forums & more. Southwest Minnesota Mud Racers Association - http://www.swmmra.org/ Non-profit organization featuring 150-foot drag racing events side by side and in the mud. Features 4-wheel drive drag racing classes including Stock, SuperStock, Pro-Stock and Pro-Modified. Stroid.com - http://www.stroid.net/ The largest mud racing photo gallery on the net. Thunder Valley Motorplex - http://www.thundervalleymotorplex.com/ Mud & kart racing events in Neeses, SC. View track rules, pictures and more. Williamsburg Fire and Rescue Mud Bog - http://www.williamsburgfireandrescue.com/ Mud Bogging in Reidsville, North Carolina. Includes calendar of events, class rules and photos. Zuya Sica Mud Bog Races - http://www.wickedwar.com/ Stock to modified divisions in South Central South Dakota. Videos, photographs and information on the races. PA 4x4 Jeep Clubs Aggressive 4x4 Concepts - http://www.aggressiveconcepts.com/ BIG RUBBERS Custom 4x4 Club Inc. - http://www.bigrubbers4x4.8k.com/ Black List Wheelers Association - http://www.blwa.org/ Blue Mountain Jeep Alliance - http://www.bmja.org Club Christian Crawlers - http://www.christiancrawlers.org/ Erie Jeep People - http://www.eriejeeppeople.com Heritage Region Jeep Alliance - http://www.hrja.org Jeeps R Us, Central Pennsylvania Jeep Group - http://www.jeepsrus.org Keystone Krawlers - http://www.keystonekrawlers.com PA Jeepin -: http://www.pajeepin.com Pa Jeeps Club - http://www.pajeeps.org Slightly Off-Roaders - http://www.slightlyoffroaders.com/ www.pa-wheeling.com - http://www.pa-wheeling.com PA Off Road Parks |
4x4 Mud Racing Events and Activities |
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