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Alabama State Muzzleloading Association
Warrior, AL

Armory Hill Living History Association
Northern CA

Arizona Cactus Cappers
The Arizona Cactus Cappers is an NMLRA chartered muzzle loading gun club, one of the many user groups that sponsor matches at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility - Phoenix, Arizona

Blue Ridge Rifles, Inc.
A self supporting muzzleloading club located on 22 acres of the Blue Mountains, approximately one mile from the Appalachian trail just off Rt. 183 in Summit Station, PA.

Brookings Renegades
Home page of the Brookings Renegades - Brookings, South Dakota

Burke 1777 Linville Gorge North Carolina
Narratives and photos of the annual eighteenth century living history reenactment events of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Long Rife Association, at Linville Gorge Wilderness Area in western North Carolina.

The Coalition of Historical Trekkers
Pennsylvania Chapter

Contemporary Longrifle Association
Dedicated to keeping alive the traditions contemporary longrifles, accoutrements and related items made within the twentieth century.

The Coon 'n Crockett
Muzzleloaders Club of Grand Forks, North Dakota. List of muzzle loading and buckskinning links.

Dacotah Territory Muzzleloaders
We were established in 1979 by four individuals who loved camping, fishing, canoeing, and black-powder rifles. We have been seen throughout SD in centennials, festivals, rendezvous', and various other activities. The DTML is a non-profit, social organization.

Davy Crockett Long Hunters
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee

Dogg Clann Muzzleloaders
Club holds monthly shoots and 2 rendezvous a year. Pre-1840 blackpowder muzzleloaders only.

Durham Branch of the Muzzle Loaders Association of Great Britain
Durham, England

Dutch Muzzleloaders

A black-powder club in the Netherlands (English Version also) - Links to various European clubs#

Eastern Platte uzzleloaders
Omaha, Nebraska#

De Falsterske Sortkrudtskytters
The BP Shooters from Falster - a small island in Denmark (Now with an ENGLISH version!)

Flathead Valley Muzzleloaders
Kalispell, Montana#

Florida Frontiersmen
Florida Muzzle Loading Club#

Forest Hills Black Powder Brigade
Forest Grove, Oregon#

The Fort Lee Scouts
A group of 18th century reenactors in West Virginia#

Free Trappers Lodge
A fine group of rendezvousers in the state of Washington!#

Garage Rats Archery and Black Powder Club

Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania#

George Rogers Clark Heritage Association
A Living History roup dedicated to preserving and recreating frontier Ohio (1780-1810), sponsoring reenactments of frontier Ohio events at George Rogers Clark Park, including The Fair at New Boston.#

Great Darkwolf's Home Page
President and co-founder of Clan of the Medicine Wolf#

ORIGINAL High Plains Regional Rendezvous Association
Everything you want to know about the Original High Plains Regional Rendezvous!

llinois Freetrappers Blackpowder Club

A not-for-profit blackpowder/muzzleloading living history club located in northern Illinois, striving to keep alive the individual spirit and way of life of the early pioneers.

Iowa Long Rifles
Marengo, Iowa

The Jefferson Longrifles, Inc.
Muzzleloading club located at Tallahassee, Florida

Keuka Lake Renegades Muzzleloader Club
Information, events, members, and contact information for the Keuka Lake Renegades Muzzleloader Club.

Magoffin County Muzzleloaders
Club dedicated to the promotion of primitive firearms and the preservation of primitive hunting areas throughout eastern Kentucky.

Mid America Buckskinner Info Page

Missouri - Iowa - Nebraska - Kansas (LOTS of interesting BP links)

MLAIC Rules - Ron Lovchik's BP Page
The Constitution, Regulations and Rules governing the Muzzle Loading Association

Morgan County Longrifles
Muzzleloading, buckskinning, and living history non-profit club, dedicated to preserving the era of the muzzleloading rifle; offers shoots and 3 rondezvous annually. Located in Martinsville, IN.

Mountain Men and the Fur Trade

An Online Library and Research Center for information about these poineers

Mountain Men of the Wasatch
Preserving For Tomorrow The Pioneer Arms, Craftsmanship, And Skill Which Bore Freedom And Liberty - Salt Lake City, UT

New Ulm Battery
A history of the Battery formed in 1863 - New Ulm, Minnesota

National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (NMLRA)
The National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association

North Dakota Muzzle Loaders

Minot, North Dakota

Olalla Long Rifles
Olalla, Washington

Pineywoods Buckskinners
Pre-1840's buckskinning club located in Eastern Texas with monthly shoots and local rendezvous

Plainsmen Black Powder Club

Plainsmen Black Powder Club - Fargo, North Dakota - USA

Praireland Frontiersmen

Sullivan, Illinois

Pulver Schuetzen Solingen
A black powder club in Solingen, Germany

Replica Percussion Revolver Association
Replica Black Powder Percussion Revolvers Collector's Web Site

San Diego County Muzzle Loaders
A new source for muzzle loaders in the Southwestern USA - NMLRA Chartered too!

San Luis Obispo Muzzleloaders
located on the beautiful Central Coast of California

Sourland Mountain Muzzleloaders
Helmetta, New Jersey

Shawnee Trail Association
Shawnee Living History Trail & Primitive Encampment listed in the National Registry of Historic places - Logan, WV

Spring Mountain Free Trappers
A muzzleloading club in Las Vegas, Nevada

Sturgis/Fort Meade Calvary Days
Annual Sturgis / Fort Meade Cavalry Days Celebration in South Dakota celebrates the history and spirit of Fort Meade back in the days when it was a frontier cavalry post.

The Trappers of Starved Rock Inc.
Dedicated to bringing together those individuals who are interested in the history, building and shooting of muzzle loading firearms, and the recreation of that past period American History - St. Charles, MO

Twin City Muzzle Loading Club, Inc.
A non-profit organization striving to promote interest and participation in the collection, shooting and building of black powder firearms - Twin Cities area of Minnesota

United Nebraska Muzzleloaders Association

The sport of muzzleloading and the history of muzzloaders, buckskinning, the fur trade, and the safe use of blackpowder in the state of Nebraska.

White Oak Society

Provides information about the fur trade in the eighteenth century. Sponsors of a large educationally-oriented rendezvous every summer. Deer River, Minnesota

Muzzleloader, Black Powder Clubs and Associations