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Formed on June 12th, 2000, Elk Co, ATV riders are located in north central Pa. approx. 20 miles from the Allegheny Nat'l Forest.
As of Aug.2001 we're 262 members strong and growing. We have local members as
well as members from as far away as Ohio and a few from the Pittsburgh area. We
also have a junior membership available. Membership fees are: junior (8-15) $5.00
senior (16-up) $10.00 per year. The ages of our membership range from 8 to
82 yrs. average age is 46 yrs. Our main objective in forming our club was acquisition of more trail miles to ride on and safe and responsible operation of ATVs by all riders. To this end we have obtained approx. 45-50 miles of township roads in Fox and Jay townships. We are also involved with the Adopt a Highway Campaign, adopting 22 miles of the Boone's Mt. Road. Our "highway" is all back roads that are open to ATVs. We also have at least one club ride a year. This year's ride will be in the ANF. We are also a member of Paatv. For more info contact; Elk Co. ATV riders c/o Bob Gornati - spotgray@alltel.net 391 S. Kersey rd. Kersey, PA 15846 phone: (814) 885-6392 after 6pm (Location Elk County) |
Central Pennsylvania All-Terrain Vehicle Association Inc Over 500 members serving Central PA and beyond, we have members from everywhere in PA and out of state. We have an annual Rally, and plan to have at least 3-4 club rides, and maybe one every month if possible. We also offer safety training, and work with the state and other clubs on legislative issues that affect ATV's. Meetings are every second Tuesday of each month at the Alley Popper Restuarunt along route 253 Houtzdale/Ramey Highway, starting at 7PM. More info can be found on our web page. We offer individual and family memberships. Our address is PO Box 275 Houtzdale PA, 16651. Thanks -Joe Lonjin cpatva@hotmail.com (Location Clearfield County) |
Hello, I'm Pat Healey. PHealey@pennsbest.net President of the Valley ATV Club, Inc. We are a family-oriented, diverse group of ATV riders of all ages. We maintain an active schedule of club rides; also, we participate in fund-raising and work projects for charitable, non-profit activities. Our priorities include safety, ethics, and lots of fun! Founded in March of 2000, the Valley ATV Club, Inc., was featured on a Pennsylvania Outdoor Life television program. Our club works with the "Rails to Trails" organization in the Forest City area, participating in work parties and clean-up projects. We perform similar tasks on South Mountain land. Scranton's St. Patrick's Day Parade this year included Valley ATV Club riders and a "float" The Valley ATV Club, Inc. meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the West Side Social Club, 711 McAlpine Street. Avoca, PA 188614. (Location Luzerne County) |
Western PA Trail Riders Inc. Our club is just newly formed.We are currently working on some events and rides in the upcoming months. Meetings are held on the last Sunday of each month at 6:30pm at Rimersburg Fire Hall.More info. can be found on our web page.Our address is P.O. Box 694 Rimersburg,PA 16248 Thanks Harry Brown email@westernpatrailriders.com (Location Armstrong County) |
The Lehigh Valley ATV Association, Inc. was formed on March 28, 1985. It has since grown to be one of the largest single
ATV clubs in the country. The Association's goal is to promote the fine sport of
ATVing through safety training, public awareness, and respect for the environment.
We are predominately a family oriented group that enjoys riding ATVs and
having fun. The club holds regular meetings on the second Wednesday of every month. The club also holds a monthly ride (weather permitting) with refreshments served on the trail. A number of our club members are certified ASI safety instructors, who offer courses on a regular basis. Trainers from the Lehigh Valley ATV Association have instructed more than half of the people in Pennsylvania, who have taken the safety courses. We actively promote the wise use of ATVs on public and private lands. Club President, Member of Recreation Committee Jim Allen jimallen@ptd.net (Location Northhampton County) |
Penn/Ohio ATV Association Inc. Headquartered in Jamestown, pa, we are an association of like-minded enthusiasts committed to the promotion and growth of our sport. We are working toward a better level of understanding and respect between government, landowners and ATV riders. Through organized cooperation and communication we hope to achieve more riding opportunities with safety and respect being our primary goals. Promoting environmental cleanup rides, awareness rallies and charity functions, everyone stands to gain from the success of this association. Doug Keys ddkeys@archgate.net (Location Crawford County) |
Tri-county ATV recreation & rescue assoc. The purpose of the tri- county ATV recreation and rescue assoc Is to promote the sport of atving through safety training, public awareness, and respect for the environment, as well as, cooperating with local rescue units to promote outdoor safety. We are predominately a family oriented group that enjoys riding atv' s, having fun, with a further goal of promoting user cooperation such as "shared trails' with other outdoor and environmentally freindly people. We promote safe riding, including helmet use according to Pennsylvania state law. Club meeting (8:oo p.m. at Jackson township fire hall) second and fourth Thursdays of the month contact president Douglas McKinley lamzie@pennswoods.net Phone# 814-749-7100 (Location Indiana County) |
The mission of the Mason Dixon Riders Association contact masondixonriders masondixonriders@alltel.net (Location Greene County) Ensure a rich riding tradition for future generations. Preserve public lands for public usage. Be a friend to both the community and the environment. Educate for safe riding habits |
Indian Creek Valley ATV Club Welcome to the Indian Creek Valley ATV Club. We hope you find the information that you are looking for Contact Bob Breakiron bobb@lhtc.net ( Location Fayette County) |
Hello from the Pocono Mountain ATV. Club We are currently organizing a club dedicated to ATV. Enthusiasts in Northeast Pa. Our mission will be to acquire new riding areas and preserve the ones we currently have. We are a family oriented group. We will be serving the entire northeast part of Pa. We welcome all folks from our area. We invite our neighbors from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to join the club as we know of your limited riding areas in your home states. It is our intention to have group rides, and special events. We will try to help non-profit groups with fund raising events as well as aid in search and rescue events coordinated by our local volunteer fire companies. Our biggest mission will be to deal with the many area landowners to help them protect their land from illegal ATV use while providing club members access to use their land in a responsible and legal manner. If you would like an application or information on meeting dates please call me Greg A Hamill at 570 646 4514 or E-Mail me at homer@epix.net I will try to answer any questions you may have. You can also contact Jim Booterbaugh at 570 646 4681 or E-mail him at rjboot@epix.net he will also help you with any questions you may have. (Location Carbon County) |
The T-Lake Riders Club was formed in September of 2001. The T-Lake Recreational Riders Club Mission Is To Provide Economically Sound, Environmentally Friendly And Safety Smart Opportunities For Recreational VehiclesWe are a fairly new club, that was just formed last fall. Our membership is from all over since this is at the Cayman Landing campground with in the resort community of Treasure Lake, near Dubois, Pennsylvania in Clearfield County. For more information contact club secretary Kenneth Emmerick kenemm@alltel.net, 611 West Main Street, Ridgway, PA 15853 Phone 814-772-1271 or email me at kenemm@alltel.net or tlriders@alltel.net. We also have a webpage at the following address: http://www.geocities.com/tlakeridersclub/ (location Clearfield County) |
ATV Traction Inc. is located in northwestern Pa and promotes ATV recreation as a wholesome, family
oriented, outdoor sport. Some of our goals include the development of a large system
of trails, promoting a positive public image of the sport, and providing
education on safety and responsible riding practices. We plan dozens of rides each
year from West Virginia to Canada. We have two chapters, Erie County and McKean
County, but we have members from numerous other areas. Look for us on the
web at www.atvtraction.org or e-mail us at ATVTraction@aol.com. (Location Erie
County) |
Pittsburgh MUD Runners is a free online ATV club started for the sole purpose of bringing together people
who love to ride ATVs. It is an online community where everyone shares knowledge
about places to ride, and ATV events in the area. Any questions? email |
Allegheny Trail Riders were organized in February 2002 and have around 150 members at this time. We represent
all types of trail riding all though at this time most of our members are
ATV riders. Our goal is to open more trails in and around the Allegheny National
Forest for all trail users. This past July we were able to get Mead Twp. to
open it's roads to ATV use. We meet at the Starbrick VFD hall on the fourth Tuesday
of the month. Contact email atr@madbbs.com |
Pennsylvania ATV Clubs |
http://www.freewebs.com/happytrail/ This is a NEW Quad Club in Butler, Pa. This is a we club, not an I club. Everyone is in volved. Enjoy riding, search team, and of course raising money for
charitable events. Lyndora,hotel ,Lyndora,Pa. 724-290-3725 ATVRIDER500@YAHOO.COM |
Central Mountains All-Terrain Vehicle Association Inc.
P.O. Box 4 Lock Haven, PA. 17745-0713 We have a new club name, but we're a well established organization, basically been in operation for over 7 years. Our monthly meetings are held the third (3rd) Thursday of each month at the Friendship Community Center in Beech Creek, PA at 7:00 PM. Check out our website for the latest, as it grows, at http://www.cmatva.org especially for contact information, to answer any questions and/or membership applications. Write to us using the address at the top header in care of any of the CMATVA Inc. Top Officers. CMATVA Inc. Welcomes your support and participation, through your membership! Valley ATV Club Inc. We were founded in March of 2000. We hold regular monthly meetings and monthly club rides. we are a family oriented club with members from all walks of life. Our members range in age from toddlers to senior's. We all have one thing in common. We love to ride. Check out our web site for more info. Ride Often and Ride Safe. The Snow Shoe Rails to Trails was formed in 1999 to manage a 19 mile abandoned RR-Bed owned by Headwaters Charitable Trust with a connection to over 20 miles of legal township riding. We are now over 3,000 members strong-atvists who share their love of riding with family and friends and traditional users of our Trail. We encourage safety and have a patrol on the trail. Three trailheads, with Gillentown being the largest:3-4 open acres , with Romtec restrooms. Motorized usage by membership only-see our application on our website www.ssrt.org